Mr Asopa is an Orthopaedic Surgeon who specialises in hip surgery, knee surgery and sports injuries. This blog has been written to answer your questions and to discuss pain, injury, surgery, arthritis and much more. Explore blog posts created by Mr Asopa and guest bloggers.

What are the Types of ACL Injuries?
23rd February 2025
This Know your Knee blog explores the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL). The ligament can partially tear or it may rupture. This is explored in more detail in the blog post.

Types of hip replacement surgery
19th February 2025
There are a number of different types of hip replacements, and varied terminology used. This blog is a glossary of these terms.

Knee Replacement Surgery: A Timeline
16th February 2025
Mr Vipin Asopa takes you through a step by step guide of what to expect before, during and after knee replacement surgery.

What should I consider to reduce the risk of injury at the gym?
8th February 2025
Whatever your experience level is in the gym, it is always important to ask yourself the following questions to ensure you are not putting yourself at an increased risk of injury.

Knee Injuries and Their Impact in the Premier League
19th January 2025
At the time of writing this blog there are injuries in all 20 Premier League teams, with many of the injuries located in the knee area. Find out more about knee injuries in football.

Common Cause of Knee Pain
17th January 2025
This blog post outlines some of the common causes of knee pain, varying from underlying conditions such as osteoarthritis to injuries such as a meniscus tear or anterior cruciate ligament rupture.

Marathon Training – Hip & Knee Pain
8th May 2024
Focusing specifically on the hip and knee area, this blog lists the potential reasons a runner can experience pain in these areas when training for a marathon.

The Anatomy of the Knee
13th March 2024
The knee is one of the major joints in our body. The knee is made up of bones, cartilage, ligaments and muscles. In this blog post, let’s look at the anatomy of the knee.

Is Skiing Bad for your Hips?
29th February 2024
There is a possibility of a hip injury or pain from skiing from falling over, colliding with another skier or object, a bad landing off a jump, incorrect technique or aggravating an existing injury or condition.

How do Orthopaedic Surgeons and Physiotherapists work together?
15th September 2023
Orthopaedic surgeons and physiotherapists work collaboratively to provide the best possible care for patients.

Running Injuries: Fat Pad
20th August 2023
In a previous blog I discussed that, as careful as we are, injuries can sometimes occur whilst running. There are a number of running injuries that can affect the knee, including fat pad injuries.

Golf hip and knee injuries
12th August 2023
Hip and knee injuries are relatively uncommon amongst golfers, but they can still occur. Let’s take a look at the most common hip and knee injuries associated with golf.

Direct anterior approach total hip replacement
23rd July 2023
The direct anterior approach (DAA) for total hip replacement is a surgical technique that involves the surgeon accessing the hip joint from the front of the body, as opposed to the side or back. This approach has gained popularity in recent years because it is associated with several potential benefits for patients.

The importance of body strength and conditioning before and after surgery
26th June 2023
Often when someone has orthopaedic surgery planned, they will have been told that they need to strength train before surgery. This is common for knee surgery, including a knee replacement, ACL reconstruction or meniscal surgery. In this blog, guest blogger Dan Matkin tells us more about strength and conditioning before and after surgery.

Patient Story: From Knee Surgery to the Ski Slopes
23rd June 2023
Mr Asopa’s patient tells us about his knee surgery, the recovery process, and going on a much-anticipated ski trip after worrying that his injury and the planned surgery might have an effect on his ability to ski in the future.

Know your Knee – What is the best way to treat a meniscal tear?
30th May 2023
There are a number of possible structures in the knee that can be injured, with a meniscal tear being one of these potential injuries. The menisci are best described as crescent-shaped rings located in the knee joint, triangular in cross-section and made up of collagen.

Hip and Knee Tennis Injuries
23rd May 2023
There are many quick and varied movements that a tennis player will make. This includes turns, stops, jumps and twists; all of which can put a lot of stress on your hips and knees. There are a number of injuries that can therefore occur as a result.

A guide to MRI Scans – Claustrophobia and Anxiety
15th May 2023
This guide helps you to better understand MRI scanning and prepare you for your appointment. The guide also explores some ways to prepare for an MRI if you have claustrophobia or anxiety.

Living with chronic hip and leg pain
23rd March 2023
Our guest blogger tells us how she has adapted to day-to-day life after being diagnosed with Avascular Necrosis. In this blog she explains more about her hip and leg pain, and the changes she made to her routine.

ODEP Ratings for Joint Implants
16th March 2023
The Orthopaedic Data Evaluation Panel (ODEP) is made up of clinical and non-clinical experts who collectively provide ratings on the strength of evidence supporting the performance of orthopaedic implants. This includes hip and knee replacements. Find out more in this joint implant blog.

NICE guidelines for the Diagnosis and Management of Osteoarthritis
15th March 2023
These are the recommendations from the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) guidelines for the diagnosis and management of osteoarthritis. The BMJ (British Medical Journal), have recently published an article on these latest recommendations, which I have summarised in this blog.

Football and Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) injuries: What you Need to Know
7th February 2023
Both the Women’s Super League (WSL) and the Premier League are seeing a high proportion of players sustaining injuries. Amongst these are Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) sprains and tears. Mr Asopa gives us some key facts regarding ACL injuries.

What is the most common skiing injury?
3rd February 2023
The knee is the most common area of the body to be injured when skiing, accounting for around one third of all skiing injuries. Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injuries are at the top of that list of the most likely structure to be injured in the knee.

Common Running Injuries – Can they be Prevented?
14th November 2022
This blog considers whether there is anything we can do as individuals to minimise the chance of sustaining a running injury. By being equipped with the knowledge of possible running injuries and how to reduce the chances of them, you can then focus on enjoying your running.

Knee Surgery for Arthritis
5th November 2022
In this blog, I explore osteoarthritis of the knee, one of the most common joints affected by osteoarthritis. I explore the possible treatment options, including knee surgery.

BOSTAA Annual Conference, July 2022
26th July 2022
This month I went to the annual BOSTAA (British Orthopaedic Sports Trauma and Arthroscopy Association) conference in Central London, of which I am a member. This blog explores the themes discussed at the conference.

When is hip replacement surgery necessary?
20th July 2022
Let’s explore how we know when hip surgery is required. What are the tell-tale signs that hip surgery may have become necessary?

What happens after hip surgery?
19th July 2022
If you are undergoing hip surgery soon, or are contemplating it in the near future and worried about whether you will be able to cope with its consequences as your body is struggling, then this blog will hopefully give you information that is thoughtworthy and provide reassurance about what to expect after surgery.

Sustainability in Orthopaedic surgery
15th July 2022
I recently presented at the EFORT Congress in Lisbon on the topic of the three elements of sustainability in orthopaedic practice. Discover more about what we discussed.

Know your knee: meniscal tears
9th July 2022
Well, have you ever experienced an awkward twist when getting up from a chair? Quite interesting to find that the twisting of the knee, aggressive pivoting or sudden stops and turns, even kneeling, deep squatting or lifting something heavy can result in a torn meniscus. Read the blog to find out more.
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See what Mr Asopa’s patients have to say about their surgery experiences.
For appointments, questions or information, please call Mr Asopa’s Medical Secretaries Mandy and Mary.